Monday, March 23, 2009

My Blog Is About


I wanted to call this Blog Cafe, just like the sound of it. Although the origin idea for a blog cafe is a blog directory. Only instead of just listings and links, it will show the thumbnail of the blog, readers can have a glimpse of how the site looks like. The description of the blog will be provided in a table. But before I start doing something I know nothing about (again!), I'll just go with this blogspot first.

This is my fun blog, just writing about things that isn't about making money, or making a living, or about things of that nature. For the last year, I've been online almost every single day, either working on my sites or getting ideas. I collected so much information that it will take me years just to go through. Lately though, I've been taking it easy, surfing around and reading other people's blogs. There are so many interesting things in the blogsphere, and some really entertaining sites.

My lastest find,
The Brainy Bimbo, is a wonderfully, readable blog. It helps that it's written by a girl, and I landed on her site on Sunday, and just read through everything. It's that interesting. She's from Singapore, and although I'm from Malaysia, I practically grew up in Singapore. I spent 10 years living there, I went to school there and have many fond memories of that place. But I've not been back there in decades, and the Singapore I knew is no longer the Singapore today. Somethings are better left in the past.

These days I spend my time in Sabah, where nature is just a short walk away. And while making a living takes up a lot of my time, it is still possible to get away from everything. It took me a long time to appreciate Sabah, years after having spent half my life abroad. What's not to love about this place, beautiful beaches and islands, Mount Kinabalu, jungles and mountain ranges. I am of the opinion that living in a city is living an illusion. It's only when you step away from it all that you see the truly meaningful things in life. Sabah is a paradise, and while quirky, there is no place I would rather be ..... except maybe Maui.

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