Businesses in Kota Kinabalu and Sabah need a website. If you don't have one, it is time your business make its home on the internet. For one simple reason, your customers are already on the internet right now. If you cannot connect with your customers online, you can be assured that your competitors will.
What Do You Need To Publish Your Website?
You don't need specialized IT knowledge to start your own website, although it helps. The best and stress-free way is to hire me to create and publish your website for you. Your business website can be on the internet within one week.
- It will have your own domain name, ie
- You will be the registered owner of the website
- It is your virtual asset
- It is your on-line magazine, company news channel, sales brochure, information site
- It works for you 24/7
The cost of owning your own website is often less than you imagine. It is a business expense and cost less than print advertisement. In the long run, it will out-perform print advertising.
Having a website applies to all industries, from manufacturing, to retailing, to the food and beverage industry. Nowadays, businesses and customers expect to find you on the internet. If your business is to be relevant to your target market, the internet is where you need to be.
If you are ready, visit Web Design KK. You can see my website in action. The actual url is
Or you can conect with me on my facebook page @